Saturday 16 July 2011

A Billion Reasons Why, by Kristin Billerbeck

'A Billion Reasons Why' is a traditional romance novel, with a Christian slant, written by Kristin Billerbeck and published by Thomas Nelson. The back cover reads:

“Katie McKenna leads a perfect life. She has a fulfilling job, a cute apartment, and a wedding to plan with her soon-to-be fiancĂ©, Dexter. She can think of a billion reasons why she should marry Dexter. He's everything she wants in a husband.
And then in walks Luc DeForges, her bold, breathtaking ex-boyfriend. Only now he’s a millionaire. And he wants her to go home to New Orleans to sing for her childhood friend's wedding. As his date.
But Katie made up her mind about Luc eight years ago, when she fled their hometown after a very public breakup. Yet there’s a magnetism between them she can’t deny.
Katie thought her predictable relationship with Dexter would be the bedrock of a lasting, Christian marriage. But what if there’s more? What if God’s desire for her is a heart full of life? And what if that’s what Luc has offered all along?”

I thought this book was alright. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it wasn't bad. It was nice to read, what I would call, an old school romance.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Abigail Cottage, by Margaret West

'Abigail Cottage' is a paranormal romance novel written by Margaret West and published by Hedge Witchery Books. The back cover reads:

“After receiving an inheritance of a cottage in Ireland and discovering she is adopted, Abbey Newlands goes in search of her real family. But before she arrives at the cottage, a chain of events and a whirlwind romance leaves her deeply in love with Shaun O'Donnell. When Shaun's mother, Aveline, reveals a dark twist of fate that mean they can never be together, Abbey flees to the cottage alone, pregnant and unaware that it is cursed by two demons who reside there. One who will love her, and one who wants her dead. Only Shaun has the power to save them both and lock the demons away behind Hell's door.”

This is quite a substantial book, where as a lot of books in this genre are 'quick reads' you can polish of in little over a day, this was a good length and something I could really get involved in.